The NC school voucher program (AKA- school choice) worries me. A lot. What if it's just the beginning of the demise of public education as we know it? The
government does have a right to tax citizens to pay for schools; this does not
violate the individual rights of those citizens who do not have children in
public schools because public education is a service that will always be
available for families, whether they choose to employ it or not. One of our society’s collective values is a
free and public education for all, and we are one of the only countries in the
world that believes in this level of equity, even though we sometimes have to
pay for it with excellence. Not having
every citizen monetarily contribute to sustaining this value, whether they have
children in the public education system or not, would be violating a defining
element of our society. Some argue that
only parents have the right and obligation to provide their children with
education they deem appropriate, and that the government has no right to interfere
with those decisions, but this stance completely discounts the vast numbers of
students who do not have much parental support at home.

the United States chose to implement a school financing policy in which each
child’s parents were solely responsible for providing the appropriate level of
education for their children, the achievement gap that exists between to
financially advantaged and the financially disadvantaged would grow. Without a system in place in which the
government ensures that each individual has access to equal educational rights,
students with parents who either do not care about their children, are unable
to make sound parental decisions, or do not have financial means to provide an
education, will most likely remain in a never-ending cycle of poverty and
ignorance. Not only would such a system emasculate
the rights of its citizens, but it would also undermine thousands of
professionals this country relies on to provide public education services.
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